A Stop Snoring Solution Made For You
Fortunately, there is a stop snoring solution that will work for everyone. Many people out there have to deal with snoring, whether it is done by them or their spouse. This can lead to many nights of fitful sleep, causing fatigue the following day. The idea is to try the following methods, and continue those that work well for you.
The Most Difficult Stop Snoring Solution
Avoid Smoking and AlcoholThese two activities do nothing but promote snoring. Smoking helps block the airways by creating congestion within the nose and throat. This blockage will lead to poor breathing, and snoring will typically occur. Alcohol can help to relax the soft tissues lining your breathing passages, causing a different form of obstruction that can also lead to snoring. Refraining from both cigarettes and alcoholic beverages can be an effective stop snoring solution.
Lose Weight
Being overweight can put a strain on your lungs and other areas that are responsible for breathing. Those who exceed their healthy weight ranges typically have increased fat around the neck, which can minimize the air passages responsible for breathing. This is why many larger people experience snoring. For most sufferers, a drastic weight loss is not required to solve the problem. Losing just 10 percent of your body weight can help to keep your snoring problems under control.Elevation
Keeping your head higher than the rest of your body while resting is a great stop snoring solution. This will help to open the airways, causing your breath to flow freely in and out of the lungs. The elevation can be done simply by adding an extra pillow or two under your head at night. Some snoring sufferers prefer to elevate the head of the bed by placing blocks under the legs. This keeps them from being uncomfortable from too many pillows while still eliminating the issues at hand.The Easiest Stop Snoring Solution
Alter your Sleeping PositionsThe most common position for people to snore in is when lying on their backs. This allows the airways to become easily blocked by congestion of weak tissues in the nose and throat. Rolling over onto your side can prevent the obstruction and alleviate the problem. The trouble that many people find is staying off of their backs throughout the entire night. This can be done with a body pillow firmly positioned along your back.
Nasal Strips
Many people use breathing strips as their stop snoring solution. These devices help to relieve congestion, which will allow the air to flow properly through the nasal cavity. These will only be effective if the problem of snoring is originating in your nose. Often times the nasal strips do not work, in that case you will need to find another remedy.Jaw Exercises May Help Snorers
Because snoring is related to decreased airway tone, a series of exercises to tone up the jaw and throat muscles may be an effective natural cure for snoring. As the jaw and throat muscles become stronger, the floppiness of the palate decreases, eliminating or decreasing the loud snoring associated with poor muscle tone in the throat and neck.
As poor muscle tone can lead to snoring, so conversely can a tense jaw. Tensing the jaw leads to further constriction of the throat and airways, increasing the vibration of the palate and uvula.
To exercise and relax the jaw, put your upper and lower molars (back teeth) together. Your lips should be touching each other lightly. Open your mouth as wide as you can without discomfort or pain. Repeat this process, focusing on your molars meeting each time, like the hinges of a door. Initially if your jaw is very tense, or you are not used to exercising it, you may have slight discomfort or even hear a clicking noise. It is normal to feel the back of the throat tightening as you do the exercise.
Repeat this exercise regularly – you can do it at night before you go to bed or at odd moments throughout the day – although we would advise you not to do it in public unless you can cope with some very odd stares!
By following a stop snoring solution listed above you can eliminate the problem that not just affects your health but also can affect your loved ones.